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M.A.R.S: Joji / George Miller

For most people, the name Joji may not be known to the wider international audience due to his alternative styles of music produced under the now defunct Pink Guy moniker, which spawned from his previous YouTube channels Filthy Frank and TooDamnFilthy.

Joji started composing music in his young years, when he still lived in Kobe City in Hyogo Prefecture; Japan. His professional career began when he signed himself to the then-new Asian record label 88rising.

Miller has expanded his tastes ever since adopting his new artistic penchant; from rap, soul, R & B and so much more.

In this post, I will be examining 4 of Miller’s songs from his 2020 album Nectar.

Number 4: Daylight ft. Diplo

From what can be implied from how the song paces itself, Joji appears to be referencing hangovers, from the line: ‘I’m not laying in bed with a ____ up head, I’m not laying in bed with a ______ up’.

(The lines in the lyrics are to blank out an expletive).

Despite the song being a slow ballad, it does convey a sense of longing for something or rather someone. How this is portrayed is through the indirect lyrical content of ‘you’re hiding on the FM Radio, I sing along just to sing my thoughts at someone’. This is a perfect encapsulation of the messages sent through most of Miller’s current works. Simply expressive thoughts reflecting either past, present or future love, breakups, heartbreak etc.

Now, we’ll skip right on over to Number 3: Gimme Love

This song is quite surreal, as the message conveyed is one of wanting a future partner to still hold onto a loving relationship; ‘when I’m gone’ which implies either that the situation has deteriorated to the point of a breakup, or rather to a point of no return, implied by the line ‘Will you keep up with me?’.

The melodies compliment Miller’s low key as he simply wants to let ‘her’ know that he’s moving on, despite all the turbulent time.

A different take for Number 2: 777

777 plays on a reference to Avenged Sevenfold, which is a heavy-metal album that is referenced quite well by the lines: ‘All I hear is heavy metal‘ and ‘It’s a little piece of heaven’ which creates the impression that Joji is trying to reach his seventh heaven, which simply put, is a state of bliss or extreme happiness.

The beat also follows through by shifting and warping as the song phases through to the chorus, beginning with the line; ‘we were never the same, are you outta your mind?’ This shows that there clearly is internal turmoil which bubbles over, seen here: ‘I don’t need no strings, no no ties.’ Break-point.

And finally number 1: Run.

This song is an encapsulation of all the things that can go wrong with a relationship, seen from the simple lyrics: 'Where have you been? I know you're not in love' which can convey his denial at being deserted in a loveless pairing; backed up by lyrical contrast by stating 'You bathe in your victories' which shows that the girl who is being described, seeming to enjoy the fact that she broke hearts despite the chagrin displayed by Joji.

That is all for this review of Joji's 2020 album Nectar.

George Barrett


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