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Life is Fragile

For the longest time; I've always wondered: why do we rush into things in life not knowing what'll hit us? Could it be the sense of wonderment or intrigue with what lies beyond?

We may never know. One thing I have learnt after 20 years on this Earth is that above all else: LIFE IS FRAGILE. We've all heard how when you hit the ripe 'young' age of 18, you're expected to know everything about the world around you, but from my experience; I didn't.

Now I know what a lot of you are probably thinking; but George, what does this have to do with the title of this post? EVERYTHING.

Just think about it; when you're young, you are always told: "You'll understand it when you grow up", unaware that times change, cause what (your) parent's time after secondary education isn't the same as your current situation.

Most people don't realise that (and yes, here comes the phrase once again) life is fragile because in the end of it all YOU control how you live your life. This whole phase of questioning one's self-being really came forward due to the uptick in mental-health cases during the (ongoing) COVID-19 or simply coronavirus pandemic, because we as a society have had to adapt to something that we weren't prepared for; and let me tell you now; it petrified me. But y'know what? I pulled through; thanks to the support of my peers, family and a supportive mental health professional.

My reasoning for writing this post is just to express my gratitude and appreciation for those around me; who've kept me safe, fed me, done all they can to grow and mature me into the wondrous young man I see myself as today.

Thank you, Mum, Dad, and everyone who's supported me over the last 20 odd and confusing years.


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