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Art Gallery Post: CONTRAST

This art gallery of a contrast trilogy was created in order to display a multitude of differing emotive outcomes surrounding me: George Barrett.

The quote in the first piece was thought up by me; as it relates heavily to the theme of contrast. I hope you enjoy it and see you on the other side.

Just for clarification; these works are solely my own, as I wanted to express myself and my emotions through a variety of artistic mediums; examples of these include: Graphic and Digital Design and Photography, Traditional Sketch Drawings and many other types of art, which will be viewable from the Multimedia Projects category.

UPDATE: 16/12/20 10:25AM - I have decided to remove the cover image for this post, as it was causing technical issues when viewing the live site, this will remain as a permanent fix, as I had tried refreshing the page but that did not resolve the issue.

Hope this helps.

George Barrett.


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